
Saturday, 27 October 2012

Effect to the future of the technology and nation

Handphone will be a tool used by all ages. It will help them proficient in mastering the technology of today. So, in the future all teenager will have technology skill when they come out to work. This will make easy for company because they no need to teach more about this skill. Handphone used many software so it is  more easy to learn and know about all software. Handphone software and computer software are almost same. For examples: software for photo editor, anti virus and edit song software. When many people have knowledge about technology and know how to use the modern technology, it will be help our nation to more advanced. This is because all nation need many know technology skill people to work in industrial or company.

However, handphone also have bad effect to the future of the technology and nation. Now, all teenagers use handphone at anywhere. They also play handphone in the class and haven't pay full attention in class. This action will be effect academic result. Entertainment in handphone always attract teenager, so they will spend all time in this entertainment for example listen song and play game. All of this will be bad effect to technology and nation because they use this technology purposes is enjoy but not to learn more about this. Next, teenagers also use abuse this technology. For example the use camera function to embarrassing others like sent to friend the people body part picture and so on. This action will make our nation future down.

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